Pinto Horse Association of America
Click here for more information about the Pacific Coast Quarter Horse Racing Association
Find out more about Cremellos & other dilutes
Click here to find out more about the Pinto Breed
#1 Resource Guide in the California Equestrian Marketplace!
The Southern California Equestrian Directory
Click here to find out more about the American Quarter Horse Association
Click here to find out the color possibilities of your foal!
Horse Coat Color Calculator
Click below to find out the color possibilities of your foal!!
Over the years, we have been fortunate to meet some very special people that have touched our lives in one way or another. Starting this year, we have decided to acknowledge and give special thanks to those individuals. Below is a partial list of those special individuals. These people have donated either time, money, supplies, stock or knowledge. We realized that there have been numerous people over the years that have contributed to our animals and facility, and regretfully we have not had the opportunity to publicly acknowledge their generosity. We are now devoting this section to give our deepest THANKS for these individuals that have contributed in some way.
THANK YOU........

We are proud to be able to supply our poultry, rabbits and guinea pigs to the entertainment industry  for movies, TV series, commercials, magazines and various other photo shoots and film schools.

Our animals can be seen in the following scenes:

Click here to find out more about the American Paint Horse Association
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us!